Capital Raising
Rapid Response Revival
Medical Device Company
Company Overview
Rapid Response Revival “RRR” is a Medical Device company with a single focus, improving the survivability of the world’s biggest single killer, Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). RRR has focused on its customers from inception, when Donovan (the Founder) was thrust into his wife’s SCA emergency in 2014. In an industry where technology had stagnated, the company is driven to enhance customer experience through constant improvement and innovation and to retain its competitive advantage in device technology.
The RRR product CellAED®, a personal Automated External Defibrillator (AED), leads the industry with patent-protected hardware, best-in-class proprietary software and firmware. The CellAED®’s connectivity features allow device monitoring, incident data collection and analytics to improve both the product and to lead the industry in improving outcomes.
A key driver of the CellAED® system is affordability and enabling access to life saving therapy. 80% of SCA occur in the home, a market virtually unsupplied by the current AED manufactures.
The Market
Sudden Cardiac Arrest is a leading cause of death, attributed to 20% of all deaths annually, the majority occurring outside of hospitals.
The success of the Public Access Defibrillator (PAD) system is greatly hampered due to outdated design & technology.
CellAED® is a world first ubiquitous personal, easy to use, affordable, and connected medical device to address the low survival rates of sudden cardiac arrest.
Clinical Trials have begun in four Australian & New Zealand Hospitals.
Demand established with Governments, Enterprises and Registered Training Organisations.
Dual manufacturing capabilities have been established in Australia and Taiwan.
The company’s ‘Go-to-Market’ strategy involves taking advantage of established customer channels (Governments, Registered Training organisations) as well as its direct to customer e-commerce platform, which will launch in October 2021, establishing pre-sales into the first tier of 10 countries in the European Economic Area.
RRR is leading the industry with clinical evidence of its claims. The supporting ecosystem, CellAED.io, is a multi-touch point platform to facilitate education, maintenance and asset monitoring, as well as collection of important event data to improve patient care and health system optimisation. RRR has a multi-discipline Medical Research Advisory Board with key global opinion leaders.