
Capital Raising


DIT AgTech Limited

Enabling Farmers to Create Positive Impact









Investment Highlights

Leading in AgTech and ClimateTech, DIT AgTech is revolutionising methane emission reduction and farm productivity for livestock farmers.

163% revenue growth over the past 3 years, positive EBITDA in FY24 and revenue expected to exceed $6.5M this financial year.

$38M revenue and >$12M EBITDA is expected by FY29 solely from the Australian core economic engine.

Technology currently reaches over 170,000 cattle and 300,000 sheep across Australia, expected to grow to over 1M head by FY29. Current customers include some of the largest producers in the world. 

DIT AgTech has a robust five-year strategy with a clear pathway to 10x enterprise revenue by 2029. 

Enterprise diversification includes international markets (North America, South America and New Zealand), methane reduction and carbon accounting, precision fertigation in horticulture and artificial intelligence. 

International expansion is supported by strategic collaborations with two of the largest global livestock nutrition companies, assisting DIT AgTech to set up global pilot programs feeding methane reducing additives alongside nutrient supplements, in feedlot and broad acre environments.

Company Overview

AgTech meets ClimateTech

Uniquely positioned to intertwine AgTech and ClimateTech, our innovative solutions work to drive progress across agriculture and global sustainability.

Proprietary technology 

DIT AgTech’s market-leading precision dosing systems use a farm’s existing water infrastructure to deliver protein and vital nutrients, enabling farmers to automate and optimise livestock supplementing. 

Enabling data-driven decisions

Monitoring and incorporating vital on-farm data such as cattle weights, rainfall, pasture cover, and real-time monitoring of supplement intake.

Methane Reduction & Carbon Accounting

Emissions reduction through methane-reducers that can be fed via DIT AgTech systems, and precise carbon accounting enabling farmers to seamlessly record, report, and monetise their methane reduction initiatives. 


Precision Fertigation

An evolution of precision dosing aimed at the horticulture industry.

Artificial Intelligence

Technology and digital capability is being leveraged to create an AI tool to provide in-field nutritional support and data insights to farmers.

DIT AgTech Limited are Australia’s leaders in livestock nutrient supplementation. DIT AgTech aim to raise $5 million (AUD) to validate methane reduction methods and monetise the generation of carbon credits, accelerate growth into international markets, enhance our technology offerings and expand our product portfolio.

Key Business Advantages

From manual to automatic: An industry ripe for disruption

To date, Australia’s livestock industry has put up with labour-intensive and imprecise methods of supplementation (such as lick blocks, injections, or manually administered liquid supplements). DIT AgTech’s precision supplement delivery systems make supplementing automatic, accurate, and measurable.

Unlocking valuable data

The systems give farmers never-before accessible data, making supplementing measurable and helping on-farm decision making

Proven market and concept

Almost 200 dosing units installed (and a pipeline of 200 to be installed) with current customers across the biggest commercial cattle stations in northern Australia

Potential to scale within existing accounts

Even with our current customers who together have c.1.4million head across their properties, we have so far only set up 170,000 head on our dosers giving us currently over $500,000 in monthly recurring revenue (MRR). A full rollout to our current customers only would mean upwards of $4m in MRR, which would represent only 5% of the total addressable market in Australia alone.

Potential for overseas expansion

They have patents filed and granted in USA, Brazil, Canada and NZ which together have an addressable market of 300 million head of cattle, with the opportunity for exponential annual revenue opportunity for DIT, even before accounting for the carbon credit potential.

“Sticky” business models

They have created sticky customers by offering a full-service model for enterprise accounts where we supply the systems free and the customers pay for supplements used. For smaller scale farmers, we’ve employed a ‘razor-blade’ model, where customers buy a uDOSE system and must exclusively purchase supplements from DIT AgTech to keep various functions of their systems active.

Carbon upside

Positioned to capture carbon credits from delivering methane reducing supplements and generate additional revenue for both cattle farmers and DIT AgTech. Measurement of carbon credits is instant via our real-time data capture and uHUB software dashboard.

Protected IP

DIT AgTech hold patents in Australia and internationally for the supplementing of livestock via the water, as well as using an electronic proportional dosing unit to administer methane reducing additives.

Investor Webinar Presentation - October 2024

Products & Services


DIT AgTech’s proprietary supplement delivery systems enable farmers to automate and optimise livestock supplementing. Animals consume water in proportion to their body weight, so supplementing livestock via drinking water is a reliable way to get the target dose of nutrients to every animal, every day. The uDOSE system automatically delivers a specific proportion of supplements into livestock drinking water, ensuring optimal health and performance of all livestock.

Already reaching over 170,000 livestock across Australia, our customers have amplified production by 20%, and achieved, on average, a 30% reduction in supplement and labour costs, while also reducing transport emissions by intelligently utilising on-farm water infrastructure.

Already adopted by industry leaders including AACo., AAM, Paraway Pastoral, and AJM Pastoral - demonstrating the proven value of DIT AgTech solutions. 

DIT Agtech Udose


A proportional dosing system that can automatically and seamlessly deliver any of our proprietary water-soluble supplements from our comprehensive product range to livestock grazing on pasture.

uDOSE is Australia’s only proportional dosing dispenser able to safely deliver urea into livestock drinking water.

DIT AgTech Udose AG


Enables horticultural growers to accurately dispense fertilisers to high-value crops. A cost-effective solution for automating on-farm tasks, detailed water reporting, and optimising crop inputs.

DIT Agtech Uhub

uHUB Dashboard

A cloud-based platform that draws real-time data from remote monitoring systems on each uDOSE unit, allowing farmers to monitor livestock watering points, feeding devices, or other sites from their mobile device or computer.

Our telemetry is developed in-house by our Townsville-based team of software engineers.

Supplement & Nutrition Portfolio

The DIT AgTech Innovation & Research teams have developed and keep improving our comprehensive supplement range, to solve vital problems for farmers. The range includes:


Protein phosphorus, and trace mineral formulation with methane-reducing additives.


Helps farmers achieve production goals cost-effectively in periods of high protein demand.


Unlocks livestock's full potential in phosphorus-deficient regions.


Provides protein, phosphorus, and vital trace elements for ruminant production in southern Australia.


High in sulphur to detoxify prussic acid, while providing protein, phosphorus, and trace elements.


Contains all major trace elements required for healthy development and resilience to disease.


Enables farmers to control and prevent bloat with ease.

Transaction Overview

The Offer

Issuer: DIT AgTech Limited
Share Type: Ordinary shares
Total Maximum Raise: AU$5M
Price per share: 0.40 cents
Valuation: Pre Money Valuation $76.8M

Offers are only open to sophisticated and professional investors, or wholesale clients (as each of those terms is defined in the Corporations Act).

Use of Funds


Horti - culture

Methane Reduction

Domestic Livestock Nutrition

R&D Projects (AI)

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Amount: up to $5,000,000.

For: To validate methane reduction methods and monetise the generation of carbon credits, accelerate growth into international markets, enhance our technology offerings and expand our product portfolio.

  • International Expansion - $1M: To accelerate international expansion, allowing DIT AgTech to establish a presence and build strategic partnerships in key markets, adapt core technology to different regulatory environments, and scale teams to capture growing global demand for sustainable agricultural solutions.
  • Horticulture - $1.7M: To drive horticulture expansion in Australia, enabling DIT AgTech to adapt and scale technology to meet the needs of the sector, invest in research and development for tailored nutrient solutions, and establish partnerships with key growers.
  • Methane Reduction - $1M: To expand DIT AgTech's methane reduction and automated carbon accounting capabilities. This investment will allow DIT AgTech to further develop and scale our solutions for methane reduction and support farmers in achieving sustainability goals, all while unlocking carbon credit opportunities.
  • Domestic Livestock Nutrition - $1M: To support the continued enhancement and expansion of our core economic engine.
  • Research & Development Projects (Artificial Intelligence) - $0.3M: To invest in the research and development of cutting-edge AI solutions designed to enhance decision-making and drive efficiency across farm operations.

DIT AgTech is also seeking debt funding through a secured debt fund named "AgTech Loan Fund." The fund will issue unsecured loan notes to investors, together with a free attaching share option. Proceeds from the loan notes will be lent on a secured basis to DIT AgTech as part of the Offer. AMAL Trustees Limited has been appointed as the independent third-party corporate trustee to the AgTech Loan Fund. The AgTech Loan Fund's sole activities will be:

Issuing loan notes to investors

Lending the received funds to DIT AgTech for capital investment in new assets

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