
Capital Raising


Hydrogenus Energy Limited

Renewable energy investment opportunity









Investment Highlights

Zero Carbon electricity, on demand, at a lower cost

Seeking $3M in equity, of which about $0.6M either received or firmly promised, with a potential major investor currently under-taking Due Diligence to invest up to $2M in about AprilPre-IPO opportunity – Seeking a listing mid-2024

Agreed, but un-executed (due to Christmas break) Letter of Intent from 2 organisations for up to 6 projects, at least 2 of which are to be operational mid-2024

Company Overview

Replace diesel powered generators which, in 2021, produced about 720m MWh of electricity, accounting for 3.3% of global oil consumption and producing about 520Mt of CO2, or 1.4% of estimated global anthropogenic CO2 emissions; Estimate our Addressable Market to be about 40% of this.

Projects estimated to be lowest cost for on-demand off-grid supply.  Projected technology improvements expected to reduce our costs by about 30%, making our Addressable Market many times larger.

Hydrogenus Energy (HYE) has developed an engine that operates safely, effectively and efficiently using hydrogen as its only fuel.  We developed our engine to be part of a system, as shown in the diagram below, to be part of a system to provide carbon (and NOx and SOx and particulate) free electricity on demand at a lower cost than other on-demand systems for off-grid areas. 

Hydrogen solution

All components in our system are either presently commercially available or have been technically de-risked.  While the integrated energy management system needs to be developed, this is a small enhancement of systems that have been previously developed and are currently commercially deployed. 

HYE intends to be a project generator, executing a first pass assessment of a project, establishing either significant projects or a suitable bundle of projects as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) before bringing in project engineers and debt and equity providers into the SPV to execute the project, with HYE as the manager of the project. 

hydrogen particles

There are up to 5 potential sources of revenue :

  1. Professional fees for the modification to Internal Combustion Engines required for a project;
  2. Management fees plus fees for the lease of our IP to each project;
  3. Returns to equity investors in projects;
  4. Some share of the difference between the cost of the Hydrogenus Energy system and the next lowest cost system, and
  5. Some share of the value of Green Energy and / or Hydrogen Certificates applicable to each project. 

The first 2 of the above accrue total to HYE, while the third depends on the share of equity investment made and the (iv) and (v) are expected to be shares between HYE, project equity investors and the client of each project. 

In 2021, 720m MWh of electricity was produced globally from liquid fuels, costing about USD 194 billion, accounting for about 3.3% of global oil consumption and producing about 520Mt of CO2, or 1.4% of estimated global anthropogenic CO2 emissions.  We estimate our Addressable Market to be about 40% of this total. 

HYE is able to identify expected improvements in related technologies of wind turbines, solar panels and electrolysers are expected to reduce our costs so that our system can become competitive with distributed grid electricity prices. 

hydrogen tanks

Developing renewable energy solutions

Hydrogenus Energy (HYE) has developed an engine that operates using Hydrogen as its only fuel.  HYE’s engine

The engine was developed to be part of a system that delivers electricity on demand at a lower cost than other, on-demand systems, such as diesel generators. 

In 2021, 720m MWh of electricity was produced globally from liquid fuels, costing about US194B, accounting for about 3.3% of global oil consumption and producing about 520Mt of CO2, or 1.4% of estimated global anthropogenic CO2 emissions.  We estimate our Addressable Market to be about 40% of this total. 

Australia has about 0.6% of this Total Addressable Market, while Pacific Islands is about 2x the Australian market. 

HYE is aware of developments in related technologies, including solar panels, electrolysers and wind turbines, that promise to reduce our costs by about 30%, to about the price for distributed electricity, making our potential market significantly larger.


HYE has received interest from a globally significant manufacturer of diesel engines for a licence to use our Intellectual Property.  The attraction is our engine’s responsiveness and its low pressure injection, making our engines cheaper, less complex and more robust that high pressure injection engines. 

HYE is in the process of preparing patent applications, which we expect will be lodged in January 2024, and other protections of our IP. 

This attests to the technical proficiency of our engines. 

HYE has agreed Letters of Intent from 2 organisations, representing up to 6 projects, if which 2 are to be operational by mid 2024, to use our IP. 

Transaction Overview

hydrogen tanks

Seeking $3M in equity, of which about $0.6M either received or firmly promised, with a potential major investor currently under-taking Due Diligence to invest up to $2M in about April. 




Product Development

General Corporate

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