• How to trade?

  • Trading requirements

  • How to list your company

  • Legal and compliance

Find out the answers to some of our
most frequently asked questions

What is Trading?

Commonly referred to as Secondary Trading it involves the buying and selling of existing shares in a private company or Fund via the PrimaryMarkets' platform.
A private company and fund are ones that are not listed on the Public Stock Exchange such as the ASX.

How to Open and Account?

Our free, simple online application process to become a Member with us is:

  • Press the “Register” Button on the home page.
  • Register your first name, surname, mobile number and email address to gain access to the PrimaryMarkets' platform.
  • Press “Accept” to agree to our' Platform Trading Rules, Privacy and Terms and Conditions of Use and self-accredit that you are a Sophisticated Investor.
  • After confirmation of your Member registration with us you will be able to view all listings for trading on our platform.

How do I trade shares?

Register as a member

  • Find the Shares you wish to trade
  • Click the Trade button to buy or sell shares.
  • Your Trade order (buy or sell) will specify volume of shares and price per share (Trade Order).
  • Once a trade has been matched PrimaryMarkets will confirm via email (Matched Trade)
  • Our online ID verification process is simple, quick and easy to understand – we are required by law to verify your entity and source of funds in accordance with Know-Your-Client (KYC), Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations (ID Verification Process).
  • All Buyers who wish to trade on the PrimaryMarkets platform are required to be sophisticated, wholesale, professional, institutional, accredited or experienced investors (Sophisticated Investors) in accordance with our Australian Financial Services License.
  • Note: some company listings may not offer immediate access to all Members as the relevant company has specified that access is only with prior company approval. In this case, PrimaryMarkets will contact both you and the company to arrange access (if applicable).

Can I amend my trade order?

  • Members can amend their buy or sell orders at any time up to the time that your order becomes a Matched Trade.
  • Is there a Minimum Trade Order Value?

    The minimum Trade Order value of each parcel/order is $5000
    What are the trading fees?
    There is a 6% (plus GST) transaction fee for Sellers.
    For more information on PrimaryMarkets’ transaction fees, please read the Platform Trading Rules.

    Who can be a seller?

  • A Seller is the person or entity who is the legal and beneficial owner the shares in a Company or Fund (Securityholder) that is listed on the PrimaryMarkets platform.
  • A Seller will need to undertake our ID Verification Process check if they are using our Escrow Services.
  • Who can be a buyer?

    To be classified a Sophisticated Investor a Buyer must have:

    • Gross personal income over the last 2 years of A$250,000+; or
    • Net assets of A$2.5M+; and
    • Register for an account

    Sophisticated Investor Status Verification:

    • Is required in order to establish that the buyer is a Sophisticated, Wholesale, Professional, Institutional or Experienced Investor as required by statutory regulation to trade of our platform.
    • Is a simple online process that takes only minutes to complete.

    If you have any questions if you qualify as a Sophisticated Investor please contact trading@primarymarkets.com.

    Why the need to restrict “retail” investors from being permitted buyers?

    Securities traded on our platform do not have an ASIC approved Prospectus or Product Disclosure Statement. As such, it would be in breach of ASIC requirements if we were to permit retail investors to become Buyers unless they deal through a duly licenced intermediary such as a stockbroker.

    Where do I complete the Sophisticated Investor Status Verification?

    Buyer status verification can be completed by registering for an account.

    What happens if I am based outside Australia?

    • Under United States law, to be classified similar to a Sophisticated Investor one must be an Accredited Investor or QIB.
    • An Accredited Investor is a term used by the SEC under Regulation D to refer to investors who are financially sophisticated and have a reduced need for the protection provided by certain government filings.
    • In order for an individual to qualify as an Accredited Investor at least one of the following must apply:
    • Earn an individual income of more than US$200,000 per year, or a joint income of US$300,000, in each of the last two years and expect to reasonably maintain the same level of income.
    • Have a net worth exceeding US$1M, either individually or jointly with his or her spouse.
    • Be a general partner, executive officer, director or a related combination thereof for the issuer of a security being offered.

    If you are a Non-Australian resident or citizen then please contact us at trading@primarymarkets.com so we assist you with completing your respective jurisdictional Sophisticated Investor Verification.