A Private Trading Hub is a dedicated platform that enables investors and shareholders to buy and sell shares in private/ unlisted companies. In other words, it works in a similar way as the share market does for publicly listed companies.
Companies use a dedicated Private Trading Hub as a Platform to inform investors and shareholders while at the same time providing a one-stop-shop for share trading.
Private Trading Hubs also provide:
- Digital Share Registry services
- Escrow transactions payments – between buyer and seller
- AML and KYC for share transfers
- A dedicated Platform to inform shareholders of company results and performance
Another benefit of a Private Trading Hub is the ability of the Company to set the share trading rules and regulate how and when share trading can occur.
In a world where more companies are remaining unlisted for longer, Private Trading Hubs provide savvy investors with the opportunity to invest in unique and often sought-after companies before they become widely available to the public.
For companies interested in accessing a Private Trading Hub please contact us for your free investor membership.